Situated at the south-western end of Lake Geneva, Geneva is the second city in Switzerland, and hosts the largest number of international organisations in the world. Visitors coming to Geneva for a run will admire, among other things, its water fountain, symbol of the city.
Although it is not the capital of Switzerland, Geneva competes with New York for the title of "the world's most important centre of international cooperation". Between lake and mountains, the city is surrounded on one side by the Alps and on the other by the Jura. While running along the shores of the Geneva harbour, you will observe the Nilton stones. These are two rocks emerging from Lake Geneva and dating from the last ice age. One of them was used as a measuring level to determine the altitude of Geneva, as well as a reference point for the calculation of all altitudes in Switzerland.Among the main tourist attractions in Geneva to discover by walking or running, there is the Reformers' Wall. But also the Flower Clock, the Brunswick monument, and the Palais des Nations, which houses the European headquarters of the United Nations. If one of the most visited monuments of the city is the Saint-Pierre cathedral located at the top of the old town, the historical centre itself presents many attractions, preserving the typical architecture of a 17th century European city. However, the symbol of Geneva remains its tremendously high water jet, located at the end of the Eaux-Vives pier.
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